[KineJapan] Berlinale Forum series—>documenta & Tokyo Reels

sissu tarka sissu at basicray.org
Tue Jan 17 09:23:37 EST 2023

  Thank you so much, Markus, for your important clarifications.
But where and how can I see Adachi Masao's Revolution+1 then?
And to say, despite it all, R 21 aka Restoring Solidarity  was-is brilliant.

Quoting Markus Nornes via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu>:

> Hi Sissu,          
>     Actually, that was not Adachi Masao's Revolution+1, but Mohanad  
> Yaqubi and Reem Shilla's R21. Last summer the German press made  
> great hay about Adachi starting or organizing a program at  
> documenta, he actually had nothing to do with it. Considering the  
> situation in Kassel, this was egregiously sloppy journalism. And it  
> created endless headaches for everyone, including Adachi. 
>     I've long meant to write about what happened for KineJapan, but  
> the crisis was constant and sucked up all my time for months on end. 
>     For those who missed all the ruckus, documenta (the largest art  
> exhibition in the world) was rocked by accusation after accusation  
> of anti-Semitism. One of the artworks most definitely had  
> anti-Semitic caricatures. But the others did not. I participated in  
> one of the collectives rocked by charges of racism. It is called  
> Tokyo Reels and the documentary R21, a centerpiece of the project,  
> is making the festival rounds right now. TR explores a unique  
> archive of Palestinian papers and films discovered in a home in  
> Suginami-ku. 
>     As someone who teaches anti-Semitism and fascist cinema, I found  
> the German discourses bewildering. I'm writing a long essay on the  
> archive, but will write a bit about it on KineJapan in the near  
> future. 
>     For now (I have a busy day ahead of me), suffice to say,  
> Adachi's only connection to Tokyo Reels and documenta was the  
> donation of one print and a background interview conducted by  
> Yaqubi———in other words, no connection. 
>     Cheers,
>     Markus
>                                                               --- 
>                        MARKUS NORNES
>                        PROFESSOR OF ASIAN CINEMA
>>> Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian  
>>> Languages and Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design
>>> 6348 NORTH QUAD
>>> ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1285
>        On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 3:50 AM sissu tarka  
> <sissu at basicray.org> wrote:
>> _dear Markus, all,
>> I saw Adachi's Revolution +1 at documenta, and it was fabulous and  
>> one of the key reasons to be in Kassel at the time.
>> Totally impressive and important --- a document time machine.
>> verina 
>> The Last Resident[1]
>> animate assembly[2]
>> AAA resident[3]
>> Academy business[4]
>> Quoting Markus Nornes via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu>:_
>>> _Also, the Critic's Week is showing Adachi's Revolution +1. They  
>>> are admirably courageous after the ridiculous ruckus at documenta  
>>> last summer. Good for them. _               _ _
>>>         _Markus_
>>> _--- _
>>>                                    __
>>>                            _MARKUS NORNES_
>>>                            _PROFESSOR OF ASIAN CINEMA_
>>>>> _Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian  
>>>>> Languages and Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design_
>>>>> _ _
>>>>> 6348 NORTH QUAD
>>>>> 105 S. STATE STREET
>>>>> ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1285_
>>>                                             _ _
>>>                _On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 8:20 AM Eija Niskanen via  
>>> KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:_
>>>> _Berlinale Forum series, the more indie/experiemental geared film  
>>>> program, has announced films. Here are the Japanese films: _       
>>>>              _ _
>>>>           _Ishi ga aru (There Is a Stone) by Tatsunari Ota | with  
>>>> An Ogawa, Tsuchi Kanou Japan 2022 Forum | International premiere  
>>>> A young woman spends a day in some non-place between town and  
>>>> countryside, has random encounters and watches stones skip over  
>>>> the surface of the river. Tatsunari Ota’s film explores a world  
>>>> without productivity and finds joy in idle time and playfulness._
>>>>           _ _
>>>>           _Subete no Yoru wo Omoidasu (Remembering Every Night)  
>>>> by Yui Kiyohara | with Kumi Hyodo, Minami Ohba, Ai Mikami, Guama  
>>>> Uchida, Tadashi Okuno Japan 2022 Forum | International premiere A  
>>>> visit to the employment office, practicing dance steps, making  
>>>> music with friends: several women’s everyday lives are captured  
>>>> in long shots and with a superb sense of place. A film like a  
>>>> summer’s day, bright, friendly, with the occasional chill._
>>>>           _ _
>>>>           _Forum Expanded has:
>>>> Time Tunnel: Takahiko Iimura at Kino Arsenal, 18. April 1973 by  
>>>> Takahiko Iimura Japan / USA 1973 Forum Expanded Exhibition As a  
>>>> preview of the 60th founding anniversary of the Freunde der  
>>>> deutschen Kinemathek (today: Arsenal), the installation of videos  
>>>> by the Japanese avant-garde pioneer, who died in July 2022,  
>>>> commemorates a screening at the Arsenal cinema on W_
>>>>            _ _
>>>> _--_
>>>>                                     _Eija Niskanen_
>>>>              _+358-50-355 3189_
>>>> _ _
>>>> ________________________________________________
>>>> KineJapan mailing list
>>>> KineJapan at mailman.yale.edu
>>>> https://mailman.yale.edu/mailman/listinfo/kinejapan_

[1] https://www.sternberg-press.com/product/the-last-resident/
[2] https://www.animateassembly.org/
[3] https://aaa.org.hk/en/programmes/programmes/residency-verina-gfader
[5] http://www-personal.umich.edu/~nornes/
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