[KineJapan] MJHW (Online) on Japan's First Talking Film - April - recording

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Apr 20 05:16:53 EDT 2024

 Dear KineJapaners,In case anyone wants to catch up.
Several listmembers joined in, including Iris.
By the way, hopefully, there will be a pile of Iris' book for sale in Frankfurt ??


   ----- Forwarded message ----- From: Joelle Nazzicone <joelle.nazzicone at gmail.com>To: Modern Japan History Workshop <modern-japanese-history-workshop at googlegroups.com>Sent: Saturday, 20 April 2024 at 02:46:24 BSTSubject: Re: Reminder: MJHW (Online) on Japan's First Talking Film - Thursday, April 11th
 ADDENDUM: For those who were unable to attend last week’s session, the recorded video has been made publicly available, and can be accessed at the workshop’s site here, or alternatively, through the following link: https://youtu.be/JwLMEEWBgXU.

On Monday 8 April 2024 at 10:21:41 UTC+9 Joelle Nazzicone wrote:

Please join us for the next meeting of the Modern Japan History Workshop on Thursday, April 11th at 19:00 JST.  Our presenter this month will be Wayne Arnold (University of Kitakyushu), who will present his work on Japan's first talking film (details below).

This month's session will be held online through Zoom, and can be accessed using the following sign-in information:

Meeting link: https://rikkyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/86023930516?pwd=Q2dIOXlRbkVNd2dVOGttRjJoNElSdz09

Meeting ID: 860 2393 0516
Passcode: 981185

The workshop is open to all, and no prior registration is required.

Please direct any questions to Joelle Nazzicone at joelle.n... at gmail.com.  We hope to see you there!


Nippon (1932): The Journey of Japan’s First Talking Film

Wayne Arnold (University of Kitakyushu)

In this talk, I will provide a timeline and details chronicling the various screenings of the first Japanese talking film, Nippon (1932), produced in Berlin in late 1931. Previous research on this film details several of the critical events that led to its creation; however, until now, extensive examination has yet to detail the journey of the film across Europe after it was shown in Berlin in May 1932. By examining how Nippon was produced and distributed, we can better understand the complex film industry and distribution mechanisms at work during the peak period of the Great Depression. Between 1932 and 1934, Nippon was shown in specific European cities, with the most extensive screening in France. Since much of the research on Nippon has focussed on its release in Berlin, numerous fascinating elements concerning the December film release in Paris have been overlooked. Along with a performance by an acclaimed Japanese dancer, the Paris premiere was attended by the Japanese ambassador to France and several high-profile figures. The gala and subsequent film screening also received numerous reviews, highlighting an evident preference of the French for Japonisme.

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