[KineJapan] Job Announcement in Media Studies

Markus Nornes nornes at umich.edu
Sun Aug 4 00:14:56 EDT 2024

And in English:

Dean: Kensuke Kumagai

Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies

Kanagawa University

Tenured Professorship in Media and Communication

The Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa
University is seeking
a tenured faculty with
expertise in the field of Media and Communication.



Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies (Department of Cross-Cultural Studies)


Research Field

Media and Communication(With a focus on the normative and functional role
of the media in a global setting)



“Mass Media and Language A/Mass Media Theories”
“Journalism and Language A/ Journalism Theories”
“Media Literacy”
“Social Media and Language” etc

* Classes to be taught by applicant (listed above) may be subject to change

* Applicant may also be required to teach “Related courses”,  “Liberal Arts
(English)”, “Course seminar I, II”, “Seminar I, II”, “Graduation thesis”.
In addition, the applicant may be required to teach as well as supervise
graduate level courses.

* Applicant may also be required to undertake educational and research
oriented tasks, social contribution activities, administrative duties
by the university, faculty and/or department.



Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

* As of April 1st, 2007, in accordance with the revision of the School
Education Law, the university has changed the title of full-time lecturer
to Assistant Professor.






Minatomirai Campus (4-5-3 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan)



(1) Applicant that holds a doctoral degree in a related field (including a
prospective doctoral degree by the time of appointment) or those who
show research
achievements equivalent to that of a doctoraldegree.

(2) Applicant must hold at least 3 educational or research publications in
their research field.

(3) Native English speaker or near equivalent English-speaking proficiency.
(Non-native English speakers are required to submit TOEFL®, IELTS or
other English
proficiency tests that demonstratetheir English proficiency.)

(4) Non-native Japanese speakers must have sufficient Japanese language
ability (Level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test or equivalent) in
order to offer lectures in Japanese.



Please compile documents (1) ~ (6) into a single PDF file and submit to JREC-IN
Portal. Please use format/documents specified by university unless
specified otherwise.

(1) Curriculum Vitae (with photograph)
(2) List of Educational and Research Achievements (circle three major

(3)Reprint of 3 major papers (please include abstract or summary)

(4)Syllabus draft

Syllabus for “Journalism and Language A/Journalism Theories” and “Social
Media and Language” (both intended for first-year students and above),
which should include an outline of each lecture for a semester (14 semester
sessions, 100 minutes per week). No specified format. Syllabus draft can be
submitted in either Japanese or English.

(5)Future research plan (summarized in Japanese or English)

(6)Name, affiliation, telephone number and e-mail address of person who can,
upon request,submit a reference letter before the interview.

* Please attach an inventory of submitted documents from (1) through (6).


* (1) Curriculum Vitae and (2) List of Educational and Research
Achievements forms can be downloaded from

* Applicant may be requested to submit an original copy of their Doctoral
Degree certification.

* Submitted documents will not be returned. Submitted documents will not be
used for any purpose other than the application process, and will be deleted
 responsibly by the university. (As for successful applicants, said
documents will continue to be used for employment management).


Submission Deadline

September 27, 2024 (Sun) via JREC-IN Portal


Selection Process

(1)First round: Application review

(2)Second round: Interview and trial teaching (scheduled at October 27, 2024

Applicant will be requested to demonstrate a 30 minute lecture on “Social
Media and Language”(Japanese or English) ※Successful candidates for Second
round will be notified by October 27, 2024.



Notification regarding acceptance is scheduled to be delivered by e-mail or via
post mail delivery by the end of November 2024.



April 1, 2025



【Salary (approximate annual salary)】

Salary will be determined in accordance with university's regulations.


Based on the academic calendar

【Working hours】


Working hours of faculty will depend on research activities, among other
duties, in addition to teaching duties specified in the “Class Schedule”.

Class hours are as follows:

1st period 9:00-10:40  2nd period 10:50-12:30 3rd period 13:30-15:10

4th period 15:20-17:00 5th Period 17:10-18:50 6th period 19:00-20:40

7th period 20:45-22:25

【Retirement age】

70 years old (the first March 31 upon reaching the retirement age will be the
date of retirement.

【Systems and Benefits】

Promotion system, Bonus, Retirement allowance, Retirement age system, C
ommute compensation

【Insurance】Health insurance, Employee pension insurance, and Unemployment
insurance、Industrial workers compensation accident compensation insurance,

For further details, please contact the Human Resources Department at the
university (045-481-5661).



Human Resources, Office of University President, Kanagawa University

Tel. 045-481-5661

E-mail:gaku-koubouyc at kanagawa-u.ac.jp
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