[KineJapan] Sessue Hayakawa

Lorenzo Javier Torres Hortelano lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es
Thu Dec 12 07:23:51 EST 2024

This is a quote from Béla Balázs: Early Film Theory. Visible Man and The Spirit of Film, Béla Balázs, Edited by Erica Carter, Berghahn Books, 2010:

An example from one otherwise simple-minded old adventure film. The
Japanese actor Sessue Hayakawa is required to act out the following: he is
captured by bandits, and finds himself face to face with his long-lost wife.
He must not betray the fact that he knows her. Five pairs of eyes search his
face as he looks at his wife and five revolvers are cocked to shoot if even a
single muscle in his face betrays the deep emotion he feels at this unexpected
reunion. So he restrains himself. Not the slightest expression passes over his
impassive features. We have to believe that the bandits have to believe him.
Nevertheless – and this is what is so marvellous – we see clearly from his
expression that there is something in his face that we do not see. It is present,
but cannot be pinned down. An invisible but evident expression (p. 103).

Please, does anyone know which movie he is referring to?



Lorenzo J. Torres Hortelano

Vicedecano de Investigación y Relaciones Internacionales

Vice-Dean of Research and International Relations

Catedrático de Comunicación Audiovisual

Professor of Audiovisual Communication

レイ・フアン・カルロス大学 コミュニケーション科学学部 教授 (日本研究)

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Departamento de Comunicación y Publicidad

Edificio de Gestión - Decanato

Camino del Molino s/n, 28943 Fuenlabrada

comunicacion.investigacionrrii at urjc.es<mailto:comunicacion.investigacionrrii at urjc.es>

lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es<mailto:lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es>

Director Trama&Fondo. Lectura y Teoría del Texto<http://www.tramayfondo.com/>




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