[KineJapan] Beka & Lemoine's Moriyama-san / Wender's Perfect Days?

quentin turnour unkleque at yahoo.com.au
Sat Jun 1 22:42:15 EDT 2024

Anyone know if the Japanese press have picked up on the minor rumble going on in the modern architecture press about shot-for-shot similarities between architectural documentary specialists Ila Beka & Louise Lemoine's 2016 short documentary MORIYAMA-SAN, and Wender's PERFECT DAYS?
The irony here is that neither party is Japanese. And some of the commentary is a little obtuse: is it Wender's homage or theft? And maybe words are being selected carefully. But that Beka and Lemoine may have an opinion might be suggested by an invite I just got for 48 hour free access to MORIYAMA-SAN via the ArchDaily website: Almost Perfect Days: Hirayama and Moriyama, a Double Vision of Architecture. Some of you might also have seen this. 

Quentin TurnourNational Archives of Australia.

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Almost Perfect Days: Hirayama and Moriyama, a Double Vision of Architecture

Delve into the world of architectural documentaries with Wim Wenders and the innovative approach of Ila Bêka & L...



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