[KineJapan] Airport ride and Peak ride

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Wed Jun 5 23:08:07 EDT 2024

I am certainly not alone in being excited to attend Kinema Club XXII next week. Many thanks to the organizers!

First, I wanted to mention that the schedule has been uploaded to the KC website:


In a couple of personal queries, I first wanted to ask if anyone wants to share a ride from the airport. I’ll be arriving at the Manchester airport at 18:50 on June 10. If anyone is arriving around the same time and wants to share a car to Sheffield, let me know.

Second, in a non-film-related query, I was wondering if anyone wants to go bicycling. I’ve long wanted to do some cycling in the Peak District just to the west of Sheffield and am arriving a bit early so I could possibly head out on the 11th. Jen has provided a lot of information, but there are lots of options and a number of places that rent bikes (and helmets, etc.). With jet lag and all, I don’t plan anything that long or strenuous (probably only about 15 or so miles). Right now, the weather is forecast to be partly sunny with a high of 14C, so it might be a bit chilly. Let me know if you are interested. Depending on the place and route, reservations may be necessary.


Aaron Gerow
Alfred W. Griswold Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures and Film and Media Studies
Chair, East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University
320 York Street, Room 108
PO Box 208201
New Haven, CT 06520-8201
Phone: 1-203-432-7082
Fax: 1-203-432-6729
e-mail: aaron.gerow at yale.edu
website: www.aarongerow.com

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