[KineJapan] Visiting position in Japanese lit/film at UCR

Anne annekmcknight at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 17:59:53 EDT 2024

Hi all,

UCR has, again this year, a one-year position available.  There is probably some flexibility in course offerings for Fall and Winter. If you could pass it along to any networks that might find interested folks, it would be great.
Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Link to job ad: https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/JPF01932	
UC Riverside is seeking a 5/6 time Visiting Assistant Professor to teach in the Department of Comparative Literature and Languages, in the Japanese program in 2024-25. 
We would very much appreciate if you could pass this notice and the enclosed attachment/link detailing the position on to recent grads, as well as any grads who may have degree in hand by Fall quarter, or other colleagues who might have an interest in applying.
The job would consist of 5 courses per year (1 in Fall, and 2 each in Winter and Spring quarters)—4 undergrad classes, and one grad class that can be tailored to the instructor’s interests and scholarship. The salary comes with full benefits, and is based on 100% annual salary of $74,600, or approximately $12,433 per course (pending final budget approval and sufficient enrollment). UCR has a great student body, bright and very receptive, and the TA support is wonderful, as well. The first day of the Fall quarter is September 23, and authorization to work in the US by the first day of instruction is required.
The full job ad may be seen at https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/JPF01932. 
Any questions can be addressed to Prof. Anne McKnight at amcknigh at ucr.edu <mailto:amcknigh at ucr.edu>. Applications received by July 10 will get first consideration.
Thanks so much for passing along info about this position to anyone in your networks who might be interested. 
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