[KineJapan] Japanese Cinema Interview in Jacobin

Jennifer Coates jennifer.coates at sheffield.ac.uk
Fri Feb 21 12:08:22 EST 2025

Hi Everyone,

I hope you're all doing well and looking forward to the weekend!

I'm posting to share some weekend reading - this great interview with Julia
Alekseyeva about her new book Antifascism and the Avant-Garde: Radical
Documentary in the 1960s.The interview gives a great overview of the book,
but also locates its arguments in close relationship to our contemporary
political moment, which I think will be really useful for those of us
planning to teach from it. I'm planning to assign the interview along with
an excerpt from the book so that students can have a bit of a 'meet the
author' experience, and we can discuss not only the scholarship within the
book but also the production of scholarship more broadly.

Here's the interview:

Congratulations Julia!

Professor Jennifer Coates
Professor of Japanese Studies
Departmental Director of Research & Innovation (DDRI)
School of East Asian Studies (SEAS)
University of Sheffield
Office 4.21, Floor 4, Jessop West, 1 Upper Hanover St, Broomhall, Sheffield
S3 7RA

Recent articles:
Coates, J. 2024. “Aging, Personhood, and Care in Chie Hayakawa’s Plan
75 (2022)”
Screen Volume 65 (3): 352-372.
Coates, J. 2023. "Voices from an Unusual Archive: University Film Circle
Writings, 1945-1960," The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Volume 21:
Issue 6: Number 3, Article ID 5777. <https://apjjf.org/2023/6/Coates.html>
Recent books:
Buchheim, E. and Coates, J. 2023. *War Memory and East Asian Conflicts,
1930–1945. *Palgrave Macmillan.
Coates, J. 2022. *Film Viewing in Postwar Japan, 1945-1968: An Ethnographic
Study.* Edinburgh University Press.

ORCID: 0000-0003-4326-1481
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