UK Spring butterflies
David Howson
D.P.Howson at
Wed Apr 23 04:17:10 EDT 1997
At 18:18 22/04/97, you wrote:
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>From: Michael Healy <MJRHEALY at COMPUSERVE.COM>
>To: Leps-l mailing list <leps-l at>
>Subject: UK Spring butterflies
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>Plenty of Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks, some Commas, esoterica like
>Small Whites and Holly Blues - but has anyone seen a Red Admiral? And by
>the way, where have all the mailing list members gone?
>Michaek Healy
>yes at brimham rocks (Yorkshire) the first weekend of april there were
>three red admirals on the wing.
>By the way, also 5 green hairstreaks, around 16 painted ladies
>this an early season or what? The ladybirds i was collecting to obtain the
>parasitoid (expecting 1-2nd instar parasitoid within the ladybird) were
>already cocconed with most hatched and thus the parasitoids already away on
>the wing;
>the yponomeutids (ermine moths) were already tented up and third instars
>instead of the expected 1st instars etc etc
>You been having nice weather down in england recently or something (he
>writes as the hail falls at present, albeit lightly, in Dundee!!)>
As someone who lives not too far from Brimham rocks, Rob's note astonishes me.
The green hairstreaks I buy- I havent seen them in Ilkley but the time is
right in this early year.
The Red Admirals seem very surprising-but the Painted Ladies quite
astounding-nothing like that here or ever has been! Rob, are you sure this
isnt an error and you meant peacocks or tortoiseshells??
Dave Howson>
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