V. atalanta and N. antiopa in DK

dd at mi.aau.dk dd at mi.aau.dk
Fri Aug 1 14:22:09 EDT 1997

HI LEPS-netters.

In Denmark, we are all quite shocked because Red Admirals (Vanessa atalanta) 
suddenly emerged on 28 July. Since there had been no reports on Red Admirals
two months ago, we didn't expect to see them before 1 September. But somehow
there must have been an immigration from the south around 1 June!?! 

Now the data. Red Admirals were reported in numbers (5+) from three locations
on 28 July. Afterwards they became even more numerous with reports from all over 
the country. The highest count up to now was 32 on 30 July at Traskohage near
Vejle in E Jutland. 
On 30 July, at the same migration watchpoint there was a strong 
migration of Small Whites (Pieris rapae) (~600) and Large Whites (Pieris 
brassicae) (~40). Only 2 Red Admirals and 4 Small Tortoiseshells (Aglais 
urticae) were observed on direct migration. Also very good numbers of Peacocks
all over the country, especially in the eastern parts.
Furthermore, the Camberwell Beauties (Nymphalis antiopa) started to emerge
on 30 July with observations of 1 fresh specimen at Traskohage, 1 at Ribe (SW
Jutland) and one near Herning (C Jutland). This is good news for the species. 

Kind regards
* Morten D.D. Hansen                  *
* Dept. of Zoology                    *
* Institute for Biological Sciences   *
* University of Aarhus                *
* DK-8000 Aarhus C                    *
* Denmark                             *
* e-mail: dd at mi.aau.dk                *
* Homepage: http://www.mi.aau.dk/~dd/ *


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