Strange moths

Michael Pennington pennington-macleod at
Thu Aug 7 14:58:17 EDT 1997

In message <n1341776855.73155 at>
        "J.B.Murray (John Murray)" <J.B.Murray at OPEN.AC.UK> writes:

> A number of unusual moths have turned up in the trap at Marshalls Heath
> recently.  This morning there was a Saltern(?) Ear and a moth
resembling a White
> Colon, but I've put that in the fridge and will have a longer look tonight.
> Does anyone know if the Saltern Ear is spreading?  I know that it is an
> occasional visitor in parts of North London and Middlesex, has it reached
> Hertfordshire?

The Saltern Ear Amphipoea fucosa palidis does wander as it has turned
up in Shetland. There were several in August 1994, although we have
no records from any other year. Large Ear Amphipoea lucens wanders as
well as we have recorded this species during immigraion overthe last
three years. No Amphipoea at all so far this year, though.

Mike Pennington
Baltasound, Unst, Shetland: e-mail - pennington-macleod at
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