ButterFly Project

Walter McCrate mccrate at idirect.com
Thu Aug 14 21:15:42 EDT 1997

 I am currently developing a reference work on butterflies of the world
on CD-ROM. This reference work will contain as many species of
butterflies as I can obtain; hopefully, it will contain the
approximately 20,000 known species.

 Rather than attempt to collect actual specimens for this project I am
trying to collect 35mm type photos of specimens with taxa identification

data. High resolution colour scans will be taken from these photos and
combined with other species data for the project.

 I would also like to include species population information, sanctuary
lists, and a list of butterfly collections, worldwide.

 At the present time I am compiling a list of specimen photo sources. If

you would like to submit photos for the project or would like more
information, please send e-mail to the address below.

Walter McCrate

e-mail: mccrate at idirect.com

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