need help, regal artificial diet

Chris Conlan conlan at
Mon Aug 18 22:29:26 EDT 1997

Regalis does not do all that well on artificial diet.  Your best bet is to
grab a bunch of sweetgum leaves before the tree starts turning color.  They
will hold up for over a month in the refrigerator tightly sealed in plastic
bags with just a hint of moisture added.  I'm not sure what it is about
sweetgum, but the stuff really holds up well this way.  I usually buy those
2 gallon size zip-loc bags to store them (small leafy branches).  Squeezing
all the air out of the bag will help them last even longer.  Freezing the
leaves will create more work for you as they will have to be changed daily
or possibly even more frequently.  Good luck!


PS  If you raise the regalis at about 75 F degrees they should complete the
larval stage in 6 weeks or less.

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