Rearing _N. antiopa_--more

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Tue Aug 19 00:17:57 EDT 1997

	People seem to want 'the rest of the story' on the _N. antiopa_
overwintering project:

	No attempt was made to get all 300 butterflies through the winter.
Only a couple dozen or so were put under the snow as described in my
previous posting. From this number, specimens were pulled out at intervals
throughout the winter to measure their freezing point (which was around
-40 degrees for most of the winter) and their glycerol concentration
(lab work done by Dr. Keith Miller at the Institute of Arctic Biology,
UAF). As I recall, only a couple or so were left after the various
measurements had been made, of which one was still alive by spring.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at

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