GOD AS ME godasme at aol.com
Mon Aug 25 02:52:36 EDT 1997

Can you please identify what I was looking at? I have never heard of
anything like it? I found a small 1 third of an inch (caterpillar pod?) in
a two ended pod climbing the wall in my apartment in West Los Angeles this
caterpillar was only 1 mm in diameter black and white stripes only a few
mm of this caterpillar was out of it's casing or portable house and it was
dragging this pod house up the wall. When I took it to a table to examine
it. it with drew within this pod and would turnaround inside and start
dragging it in the opposite direction. the part of the caterpillar was so
small I could not be sure it was a caterpillar Because it used feet and a
(web) to haul this (pod) and walked like a caterpillar I'm calling it one.
All I ever saw of this ? was about 6 or seven sub mm stripes which seemed
to be getting lighter in color where it was inside this (what I am calling
a pod) maybe it would help to describe this Can you please identify what I
was looking at? I found a small (1 third of an inch caterpillar (pod?): a
two ended pod climbing the wall in my apartment in West Los Angeles this
caterpillar was only 1 mm in diameter black and white stripes only a few
mm of this caterpillar was out of it's casing or portable house and it was
draging this pod house up the wall. When I took it to a table to examin
it. it with drew within this pod and would turnaround inside and start
dragging it in the opposite direction. the part of the caterpillar was so
small I could not be sure it was a caterpillar. Because it used feet and a
(web) to haul this (pod) and walked like a caterpillar.  I'm calling it
one. All I ever saw of this ? was about 6 or seven sub mm stripes which
seemed to be getting lighter in color where it was inside this (what I am
calling a pod). This pod like thing was not symmetrical but ameba like
violin like on one side like a flat pea-less pea pod on the other the two
ends were open like a balloon where the caterpillar made it's partial
appearance this pod was flat grey dusty looking and looked like the flat
top and bottom were glues together with a blackish grey sparkle-ly
(twinkly) carbon dust looking like a black stripe (zipper) holding the two
flat sides together. Not wanting to follow my wife's . urgings to kill it
I took it out and left it on a huge jade plant. It was nowhere to be found
this morning.  Thank You, Michael .. GODASME @AOL.COM

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