Dr. Winkler insects, Entomological books &supplies online

Alexander Dobernig exotics at exotics.net
Tue Dec 2 22:38:52 EST 1997

I am proud to have managed to be hosting  the company of the
granddaughter of Dr. Albert Winkler - author of
Catalogus Coleopterorum Regionis Palaearcticae, Wien 1924-32

and her company (existing since 1897 (!) ) devoted to insects,
entomological supplies and books

URL:   http://exotics.net/winkler

At the time only the booklist is available, but in a few days also the
supplies and the insects section will be available

Best regards
Alexander Dobernig
exotics at exotics.net

P.S. The original edition of the book Catalogus Coleopterorum Regionis
Palaearcticae, (Wien 1924-32)
is still available from this company for app. 70 USD for all 2 Vol.
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