yukon legalities

Norbert Kondla NKONDLA at MFOR01.FOR.GOV.BC.CA
Mon Dec 8 15:21:52 EST 1997

To: LEPS-L  --INTERNET leps-l at lists.yale.

several times over the years i have heard the view expressed that one must
have a permit to collect insects in the Yukon. since this is not consistent
with my understanding i finally got around to checking what the law says and
am sharing the results of what i found for the benefit of listers that may be
contemplating a vacation in the Yukon in the future. The Scientists and
Explorers Ordinance of 1958 stipulates that "No person shall enter the
Territory for scientific or exploration purposes and no person shall carry out
such purposes in the Territory unless he is the holder of a valid licence
issued under this Ordinance." Note that this ordinance does NOT regulate
recreatinal insect collecting, botanizing, birdwatching, berry picking and
like activity by tourists. SO, if you want to carryout scientific research on
insects or want to do "exploration" off the beaten path then a licence is
needed. BUT if you are there as a tourist and want to spend some time doing
recreational insect collecting, then no licence is needed. Also note that
there is no need to get an export permit under their wildlife act. this is
because the wildlife act defines wildlife as vertebrate animals and hence
insects are not covered. Really nice to find a place where amateur
entomologists can enjoy life without harassment. PS: it goes without saying
that insect collectors are not welcome in parks

Norbert Kondla  P.Biol., RPBio.
Forest Ecosystem Specialist, Arrow Forest District
Phone 250-365-8668; Internet nkondla at mfor01.for.gov.bc.ca

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