New site on Lepidoptera

P. Stadel Nielsen fdki at
Sun Dec 21 13:26:14 EST 1997

Hi all

I am happy to invite you all to visit the homepages of
Lepidopterological Society in Copenhagen, Denmark.
After a long period of preparation and negotiation for getting space
on the server at the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen, we ended up
deciding to get our own site.
In our pages you will find general information about our society. You
will also find summaries and illustrations from selected articles from
our paper Lepidoptera. Further we have added information on the 6
protected butterfly species in Denmark.
We intent to update our pages regularly with new articles and news
about all kinds of Lepidoptera from Denmark.
Please note, that the some pages still need some modification in
layout and that we have eliminated "fancy stuff"  to give you optimal
information for your on-line time.

Our address is

Comments are welcome.

Per Stadel Nielsen
SKovskellet 35 A
DK -2840 Holte Denmark
E-mail: fdki at

Per Stadel Nielsen
Skovskellet 35 A
DK-2840 Holte
fdki at
"All butterflies must have happy homes"
(L. G. Higgins)
fdki at

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