Unidentified butterfly

thomascoleman at webtv.net thomascoleman at webtv.net
Tue Jul 1 20:01:32 EDT 1997

In June, I observed a butterfly in my garden in St. Louis Park, (a suburb
of Minneapolis), Minnesota.  A library search tells me that it is a
swallowtail, but it only remotely resembles others in the family.  The
closest is the Eastern or Western Tiger, since it does show the same
degree of tail, typical Tiger markings, and colorful eye spots.

However, the yellow dominant color is much brighter than any of the
others.  It's eye spots are unique, pale blue teardrops, over a bright
red spot with a bright yellow center.  These markings are edged in the
same black Tiger stripe.

Can you help me with this identification?

Thank you!

Thomas Coleman
thomascoleman at webtv.net

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