Large Whites

robert thorn thorn.5 at
Sat Jul 5 17:23:30 EDT 1997

In central Ohio, we're starting into our second surge of cabbage whites
(after a Spring peak), and the story of how this Eurasian escapee has come
to dominate our butterfly fauna is still amazing.  But many have told me
that these 'small whites' (P. raphae) are actually less of a pest in Europe
than a larger cousin, the Large White (P. brassicae).  How have we avoided
'acquiring' P. brassicae on this side of the Atlantic?  Or have there been
introductions that have just been unsuccessful?  It beggars belief that
they would lack any foodplants here, what with all of our garden mustards
and Eurasian weeds.
                                                         Rob Thorn

Robert Thorn, thorn.5 at

"Learn from nature, not just from books."  - L. Agassiz

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