Large White

松本邦臣 langprac at
Sun Jul 6 13:49:21 EDT 1997

Large White Invades Japan!

Records suggest Pieris brassicae successfully invaded
western Hokkaido Island and the northern tip of Honshu
Island in the summer of 1996. All the life stages of the 
butterfly have been recorded both in Hokkaido and Honshu.
People here think they came to Japan from southern 
Primorkii (Russia) across Japan Sea. 

We are closely watching if the butterfly expands its
distribution farther. Mr. Hisashi Fujii of the Lepidopterological
Society of Japan has Large White Web pages where he reports 
the latest news of the butterfly (only in Japanese).


Kuniomi Matsumoto
3-3-5-1210 Hikarigaoka,
Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179 
E-mail: langprac at
tel./fax 3938-8400

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