Daphnis nerii in Belgium

Bart Vanholder bvholder at innet.be
Wed Jul 9 03:57:02 EDT 1997

Dear Leps-folks

Daphnis nerii,, the Oleander Hawk, is a highly unusual visitor in Belgium.
One specimen of this very rare immigrant was reported at 23 th May in
Limburg, at Boorsem. The Sphingid was seen resting during the day. In 1985
only the previous one was reported for Belgium. I would be highly interested
in other sightings in Europe in 1997. 

You can have a look at the website of Migrant Lepidoptera for recent reports
of (at present) low numbers of Migrants in W-Europe.
Bart Vanholder
Belgian Migrant Lepidoptera Survey
Droeskouter 33
B-9450 Haaltert
e-mail: bvholder at innet.be 
homepage Migrant Leps http://www.club.innet.be/~pub00644/
homepage Sesiidae     http://www.club.innet.be/~pub00644/sesiid/seslist.htm

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