Need psychic prediction on Cleveland and butterflies <g>

DTDerekson dtderekson at
Fri Jul 4 08:37:29 EDT 1997

I see the PsychicSpammers have hit this board as well...

Might someone on this board might be able and willing to help me out with
some info? A friend and I are planning a weekend trip to Cleveland, Ohio.
One of the places we are planning to go is the MetroParks Zoo. I was
wondering if there were any good butterfly spots in the nearby MetroParks
themselves (other than on elephant dung, that is <g>)? This is for
watching and photography, not collecting. We'd be there mid-August, which
would be good flight season I think....

Also we're not familar with Cleveland and had to pick a reasonably priced
convenient place to stay. We're considering the Fairfield Inn by Mariott
in Brook Park. Is this a safe part of town?

E-mail responses ok too! Thanks!

DT (still hoping to photograph milberti this year....)

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