
Simon Coombes captain at
Sun Jul 13 15:07:39 EDT 1997


While on a recent school trip to Brittany, France I managed to get away for
a couple of hours and wander around the local forest, turned out to be very

Brimstone		Gonepteryx rhamni	
Silver washed fritillary	Argynnis paphia	
Gatekeeper		Pyronia tithonus	
Speckled wood		Pararge aegeria	
Green-veined white	Artogeia napi	
White admiral		Limentis camilla	
Large white		Pieris brassicae	
Large chequered skipper	Heteropterus morpheus	
Small copper		Lycaena phlaeas	
Small white		Artogeia rapae	
Holly blue		Celastrina argiolus	
Ringlet			Aphantopus hyperantus	
Essex skipper		Thymelicus lineola	
Large skipper		Ochlodes venatus	
Red admiral		Vanessa atalanta	
Peacock		Inachis io	
Ilex hairstreak		Nordmannia ilicis	
Meadow brown		Maniola jurtina	
Small tortoiseshell	Aglais urticae	
Purple emperor		Apatura iris	
Marbled white		Melanargia galathea

The forest in question is vast, I only managed a few hundred metres into
it, I'm sure I would have seen more if time would have allowed. For anyone
interested, I know quite a few Brits pop over to Brittany in the summer the
wood was called Foret de Lorge, just to the south of Quintin. My first ever
A. iris, sat on my foot for twenty minutes drinking sweat, marvellous !

Any field guides to this area ? Anyone have local knowledge, there are a
number of species we don't get in the UK which I'd like to find and
photograph, hopefully I'll get the photos I took onto my website in a few


Simon Coombes
3 Valletort Place
Pl1 3SP
01752 260633

E-mail  Captain at

Some European butterfly pictures
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