Why Do Moths Fly to Light?

GSlSdog gslsdog at aol.com
Mon Jul 14 18:13:28 EDT 1997

(GSlSdog) wrote:

>> Why do moths fly toward the light at night?
>> How could this behavior have evolved during the time when there were no
>> lights at night, before humans had come along with fire and light

Dave B. responded:
>errr, have you been out at night and seen those bright lights in >the

Hi Dave,

Yes I have seen the moon and the stars, but no little green men yet (but
then I'm  only 11 years old), if that is what you mean. Are you saying
that moths evolved this behavior (going to light) by heading toward the
moon and stars? Stars don't seem bright enough! Maybe they head toward the
full moon each month and meet higher up, and can see each other by the
bright moonlight so they can mate? Are there fewer predatory birds/animals
out at night that might eat them? Is that why this behavior was selected
by evolution?

Also, why is it that most moths seem to disappear during the daytime?
Please be more specific with your answer, I didn't quite "get" your first


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