Actinic Traps
Graham Cooke
phrrv at
Mon Jul 14 10:11:50 EDT 1997
In article <33CA1AF3.58A1 at>,
Dave Emley <d.w.emley at> writes:
>My Heath-type Actinic Moth trap has packed in. Can anyone tell me where
>in the UK I can purchase one these days?
>Dave Emley
>Department of Earth Sciences, Keele University, UK
>e-mail: d.w.emley at
Watkins and Doncaster (01580) 753133 in Kent sell them at 69.99.
The tubes can be bought for 6.95 (actinic) and 11.70 (blacklight).
I have had a look at the circuit in mine and it is very simple,
if yours is broken any good electronics technician should be able
to fix it for lots less than th cost of a new one.
graham cooke
Deptartmnet of Physics
University of Warwick
G.A.Cooke at
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