Moths coming to lights at night
Dr. James Adams
Wed Jul 16 13:00:29 EDT 1997
To interested parties,
I have been following the discussion about moths coming to lights
with some interest, and several points have arisen in the discussion
(involving Liz Day, Jim Hanlon, Ian W., David Britton, and GSlS dog
[the initiator of this discussion]) that I would like to address.
First things first. GSlS dog asked about whether stars are really
bright enough to be used as navigational cues. The answer is "yes."
In studies done on the sensitivity of moth optical neurons to light,
they have an extremely low threshold, meaning that even very low
levels of light will allow the moths to "see". Not see sharply, but
undoubtedly enough to avoid large (dark) objects, as suggested by
Ian. Liz asked some related questions, namely "1) Why would moths
need to navigate (using light)?" Well, if you don't like the word
navigate, perhaps orient would be a better answer. All organisms
need to be able to orient themselves in their environment in relation
to other objects (foodplants, mates, finding shelter, etc.). I grant
you that finding foodplants and mates for moths flying at night is
almost exclusively done using chemical cues. However, when just
"cruising" moths need cues that will allow them to maintain
appropriate orientation to surrounding objects, the ground, etc., and
one of the cues that is consistent for moths is that light sources
(back before the advent of human-made light sources) were predictably
"UP" (in the sky). I grant you that the moon is not always at a
consistent angle upward in the sky, but it *is* always up, as are the
stars. And, by the way, in response to your question "Do moths
migrate", the answer is also "yes". Not necessarily in masses like
the Monarch Butterfly, and not necessarily in a particular direction
at a particular time of the year, but moths do fly long distances and
likely use the sky light cues in the sky *directionally* as well
(though little research has been done on this). For instance, there
is some documentation for the movement of moths out of the west coast
lowlands of Costa Rica during the dry season up into the moister
mountainous areas to the east, and back down into the coastal dry
forest during the rainy season. The observation that moths (appear
to [see below]) fly more strongly on humid, cloudy nights is also
well documented, but to say that it doesn't make much sense therefore
that they would use lights as a navigational cue doesn't necessarily
follow. Most animals have *more than one* way to navigate through
their environment, and just because they don't necessarily use one
all the time doesn't mean they *can't*. (Moths *do* have functional
eyes, after all!!). Just as an off the wall example, homing pigeons
can use sun compass and magnetic cues to migrate -- a pigeon released
on a sunny day with a small magnet attached to its head (which screws
up their magnetic sense) can still navigate just fine. Unencumbered
pigeons do just fine on a cloudy day as well. However, release a
pigeon with a magnet on its head on a cloudy day and they fly around
aimlessly. The point? They undoubtedly can use lights as a
navigational cue, and along with gravitational cues, use the light
sources from above to maintain appropriate "up-down" orientation in
their environment. Just as an aside, Jim Hanlon mentioned fish
coming to the surface of the ocean during a full moon -- this is well
documented for many fresh water fish as well. Perhaps one of the
reasons is that insects flying through their environment on a
well moonlit night will be confused by *reflected* moonlight from
below and go cascading down into the water (more food for the fish).
I know this has come up in discussions with other entomologists
before, but I am unaware if this is actually scientifically
Now, why do moths come to lights? To address your other point
Liz, you mentioned something about moths perhaps being able to hear
the light and come to the light based on certain sound frequencies
being produced by the lights. I agree that this may be a
possibility, but there are two things which suggest that this is
certainly not the only (main?) mechanism. I doubt very seriously
that white light bulbs and white light bulbs painted yellow emit
significantly different sound impulses, and so this would not explain
why moths come in to different colored lights in significantly
different numbers. Secondly, there are some families of moths which,
in essence, have *no* hearing capabilities whatsoever (for
instance, the Saturniidae [egs., Polyphemus, Cecropia, Io, Imperial,
etc.]), so without the ability to hear sound frequencies, saturniids
and some other moths would never end up at lights, and this is
certainly not the case. The use of moon and stars as navigational
cues can at least partly explain why moths end up at lights. Both
Martin Damus and David Britton bring up the point about moths
maintaining a certain angle between themselves and light sources,
which explains the "spiralling in" that is easily observable in many
species as they come to lights. Interestingly, some of the species
that do this most strikingly, such as the saturniids, are also some
of the species that do not have hearing apparati. The reason why
they stay at the lights (after "hit(ting) the moon, an accomplishment
they never evolved a decent response to." [nice quote, Martin, I like
it!]), is likely because, now close to a the bright light source, the
artificial "moon" has become the "sun", and the moths settle down.
However, I do doubt that these moths are then as result (at least not
the first time they come into the lights) half-starved. The reason
why some moths simply fall from the wall when tap has to do with
thermoregulation. Cooled moths (in many cases) require a certain
warm up period before flight (accomplished by "shivering" [muscular
thermogenesis]). Being half starved is irrelevant for some species
which do not feed as adults, such as the saturniids mentioned above.
Using nighttime celestial lights sources as navigational cues would
also be a convenient explanation as to why it appears that fewer
moths come to lights on well moonlit nights. Full moonlight is
harder to compete with using the superstimulating electric light
sources (thanks for the work, David), as well as why it therefore
appears that there is *more activity* at artificial light sources on
cloudy nights. However, this is certainly not the entire story.
Many, many moths, if you watch them come to lights, fly
*directly* at the light source as they come in, with little
indication of any spiral. This may get back to Liz's point about
potential use of sonic cues. Many moths can hear, and it is these
moths which appear to come more directly at the light. My bet is
that these moths are perhaps using *both* a light and sonic cue to
get to the light. This does *not*, however, explain why the moths
"like" either the light or the sound. And I certainly agree again
with you, Liz, in that this would make an excellent research project.
Hope clarifies some points, as well as muddies some others for
continued discussion!!!
James Adams
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