The colour of Pieris wings

Gordon Ramel gordon.ramel at
Thu Jul 24 12:07:01 EDT 1997

Hi Everyone,
                    I wonder if anyone can clarify a point for me, up until
recently I had believed that the colour of the wings, particularly the white of
pierids was the result of a pigment derived from urea, however someone has
suggested that this is not so and that it is actually the result of the
physical structure of the wing scattering the light.   I would be grateful to
know what is the truth of this.

                     Yours Gratefully Gordon

        <G.J.L.Ramel at or Gordon.Ramel at>
        < Phone work = +44 (0)1837 82558 ext. 173>
        < Fax work = +44 (0)1837 82139>
        < c/of I.G.E.R. North Wyke, Devon, England.  EX20 4SB.> 
                  Children are the guardians of the future,  
     knowledge should neither be inflicted on, nor withheld from them.   

                 "felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas"   

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