Ways to attract butterflies

J.B.Murray (John Murray) J.B.Murray at open.ac.uk
Fri Jul 25 10:31:31 EDT 1997

I have no experience of this with butterflies in a temperate climate, but in
Mexico in February this year I noticed clusters of small humble bees on the
ground, sometimes but not always on damp patches, near the summit of Colima
volcano.  After lack of success with spilling water I also tried urine, and at
the end of the day this produced a new cluster of the bees on what by then was
an apparently dry patch of ground.  

John Murray
j.b.murray at open.ac.uk
From: MJRHEALY at COMPUSERVE.COM on Thu, Jul 24, 1997 6:40 pm
Subject: Ways to attract butterflies
To: Leps-l mailing list

I recently  observed a few P napi mud-puddling in much the same place as
last year.  In this connection, a friend from Malaysia tells me of
observing a row of Chinese butterfly-collectors, early in the morning,
solemnly urinating onto a sandbank so that butterflies would come to the
salts left behind after evaporation.  
Apparently the manoeuvre was very successful.  Has anyone tried it in a
temperate climate situation?
Michael Healy

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Subject: Ways to attract butterflies
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