Tatoosh tatoosh at
Mon Jul 28 22:03:30 EDT 1997


New international association formulating to help expand public
awareness for butterfly habitat conservation.  The association is being
incorporated as:
International Federation of Butterfly Enthusiasts, Inc.
Statement of Purpose:
 1.     To help educate the general public on the need for back yard
        butterfly habitat conservation, which we the members consider
        an essential element in the survival of the species.

2.      To organize those associated with the breeding, rearing,
        handling, and or releasing of butterflies.

3.      To use controlled butterfly releases (indigenous species) to
        help promote public awareness in conservation and to help
        promote further research in butterfly migrations.

4.      To help develop additional support for qualified researchers
        and/or research facilities in regard to the further study of
        butterflies and their importance in the ecological system as
        outlined by the US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.

5.      To host annual international conferences with representatives of
        the scientific community.

Positions on the seven (7) member Advisory Board (those with field
experience in breeding, rearing, handling and/or releasing of
butterflies) have already been filled.
Those interested in applying for a position on the Scientific Board,
expenses paid to attend annual international conference, please email
pertinent information to:
Hans Schnauber  hans7 at
or snail mail           Hans Schnauber
                        PO Box 780
                        Packwood, WA 98361
                        360 494.2400

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