Early U.K. Moth -Reply

Nick Greatorex-Davies NGD at wpo.nerc.ac.uk
Mon Jun 2 06:20:44 EDT 1997

Dear Alan

I am just clearing out my email and spotted this one from you to LEPS-L on 6th May. Did you get my reply to this on LEPS -L email re Nola confuslais
in the Rothamsted trap at Monks Wood and in my garden MV trap? There have been some problems I think since the change in the LEPS-L address in that
not all messages sent out have been getting out to all on the list. I think things have improved - I seem to be getting a lot more messages now. I had
no response from you (not that I particularly expected one) and there was no other mail on this species so I was just wondering if my meesage got out
OK. I would be grateful if you would let me know. Thanks.

Best wishes

Nick Greatorex-Davies
ITE Monks Wood
Abbots Ripton

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