wanted: eggs of Attacus/Actias/Hyalophora

StefanK Hetz stefank=hetz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Wed Jun 4 15:26:40 EDT 1997

Hi butterfly breeders!

Is there anyone in Europe that is currently breeding Attacus / Actias or 
Hyalophora and can supply (fertilized) eggs of these species? We need 60 
eggs or so to raise the caterpillars and get some of the pupae in diapause 
under controlled conditions. 

Any comments about sources in Europe are welcome.

	Thank's a lot



  Dr. Stefan K. Hetz
  department of animal physiology    
  Humboldt-University at Berlin     
  Philippstrasse 13            
  Abderhaldenhaus / 2.OG

  D-10115 Berlin / Germany

  e-mail  stefank=hetz at biologie.hu-berlin.de       

  phone ..49 30 2093 6178            
  fax ..49 30 2093 6375


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