Homo Leps

MonarchPrg at aol.com MonarchPrg at aol.com
Thu Jun 26 03:37:33 EDT 1997

To All;

Someone by the name of Jeff brookbank claims he has been studying "homosexual
Lepidoptera" for 16 years!  Apparently we have a person that has noticed that
males of certain species of butterflies and moths exercise their "hormones."

Male butterflies, especially from the families Nymphalidae and Papilionidae,
practice capturing each other daily -- "to be in shape" for the day they
finally catch a female and mate.  These are not "gay" butterflies!  Females
from all families of butterflies do not stalk and capture other females (or
males).  All of this is common knowledge.  

To label the behavior "homosexual" is absurb.  Maybe Jeff Brookbank's studies
will show more than what we already know?

David F. Marriott, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Monarch Program    

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