Noctuidae tax. - Heliothis & Euxoa

Goran Arnqvist Goran.Arnqvist at
Fri May 2 06:24:56 EDT 1997

Dear all,

I am a Swedish evolutionary ecologist involved in a comparative project on 
the evolution of insect genitalia. One of the groups included in our study 
is certain Noctuids; namely the two genuses Euxoa and Heliothis. Our current 
problem is finding published sources with illustrations (line drawings) of 
male genitalia and other characters of the species in these genuses. Is 
there anyone out there that could provide us with advice on where to find 
such publications? Recent taxonomic revisions and/or reasonably complete 
illustrated idenfication keys would probably be best, but where can we find 
this for Euxoa and Heliothis? Any help would be most greatfully appreciated!

All the best /Goran Arnqvist

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 | @@@   @@@  @@@       @@@  @@@   @@@                            |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@@     @@@@  @@@   @@@     Dr. Goran Arnqvist     |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@ @@ @@ @@@  @@@   @@@   Dept. of Animal Ecology  |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@   @@@     University of Umea     |
 |  @@@ @@@   @@@   @   @@@   @@@ @@@        S-901 87 Umea        |
 |   @@@@@    @@@       @@@    @@@@@            Sweden            |
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 |       Phone: +46 90 167704 or 165272 Fax: +46 90 167665        |
 |           Email: Goran.Arnqvist at                |

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