Specimen repair etc.
Charles V. Covell Jr.
Sat May 3 11:49:47 EDT 1997
Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292
PHONE: (502) 852-6771
Ken and others: In response to Ken's technique, I see one thing missing:
an anti-mold addative. Do you use a chemical, Ken? I use carbolic acid
(phenol), or crystals of thymol. PDB works well, too. Cheers, and happy
Derby Day, Charlie
Charles V. Covell Jr. cvcove01 at ulkyvm.louisville.edu
Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292-0001 PHONE: (502) 852-6771 (office)
(502) 852-0725 (FAX); (502) 456-6122 (home). "So many bugs..."
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