Andrew Renshaw rensa28 at wildnet.co.uk
Tue May 20 03:55:48 EDT 1997

Dear all,

I have some specimens of Actias Luna that are being reared on  Silver
Birch.  the Caterpillars are in the 3rd instar and at first grew
slowly but are now increasing rapidly.

However, yesterday I noticed that one of them had developed a brown
discolouration on its back.  So I isolated this specimen and have
inspected it regularly.  As of 8 am GMT the specimen has developed
black discolouration around the spiracles and has developed dark brown
across it's back.  Further to this and alarmingly it seems to have
vomited some brown liquid.  I MUST STRESS THAT IT IS NO WHERE NEAR

The caterpillar is alive but seems lethargic and is not eating.

Am I looking at a possibly Viral or bacterial infection and should
destroy this specimen or do some Actias Lunas go through this.



Andy Renshaw
rensa28 at wildnet.co.uk

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