C. angulifera ova wanted

Clayton Coe claycoe at cycor.ca
Sat May 24 18:33:34 EDT 1997

Wanted ova of C. angulifera.  All my breeding stock turned out to be males.
  Please send to Don Oehlke, 34 McCann Mill Road, Pottersville,
New Jersey, 07979.
I should be able to return the favor with cecropia, luna, polyphemus, io,
promethea, forbesi, and possibly some sphingidae.  Let me know what you want 
 Fax and phone 908-439-2462 or contact Bill Oehlke at the 
following email address    claycoe at cycor.ca

Bill Oehlke
claycoe at cycor.ca 

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