PDB and naphthalene (in english)
fulvio.lab at gsnet.gsnet.it
Mon Nov 3 09:14:03 EST 1997
>I received this impressive letter (thanks to Yasmin Cardoza for the
translation) and i propose it for the general discussion.
Dear Drs. Giovanni Sala e Fulvio Quinto:
We are very intersted in the results from your study. We have used
naphtaline (moth balls a.i.)and paradichlorobezine to protect our
collection, which is accessible to the public in our butterfly center
(http://www.chi.es/butterflies.center). We also have problems with
from these products and we are aware of its harmfulness but we continue
use them due to our lack of knoledge about other effective methods. Our
already diseased father D. Bartolome de los Santos Garcia, in a medical
check up, found that his lungs appeared very dark in several x rays,
though he had quit smoking over 30 years before! The doctors could never
give any other satisfactory explanation to this phenomenun but that it
have been caused by these harmful volatiles. Unfortunately, we can not
provide any other useful data for your study, however, we would like to
ourselves available to you in case we can be of any further help. We
greatly appreciate if you would keep us informed about the progress of
We thank you beforehand and hope you don't have any difficulties
understanding spanish.
Rio Garcia Mena
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