butterfly attraction

Andrew Daw andrewd at redac.co.uk
Thu Nov 13 03:50:01 EST 1997

> >Do the same properties which attract Australian butterflies to plants in 
> >Australia also work to attract native butterflies elsewhere?  (For 
> >example, could an Australian butterfly attracting nectar or host plant be 
> >an attractive nectar or host plant for a native Californian butterfly?) 
> >(Or any other country for example)
> >Katy 
> I think it should.  Aren't most butterflies pretty similar in their
> general tongue design, color vision, and type of sugar they prefer?
> (The ones that do come to nectar.)

I agree. In the UK some of the best plants for attracting butterflies to
our gardens are not native to our country.

> Liz Day
> LDAY at iquest.net 
> Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA, 40 N latitude, zone 5.

* Andrew Daw                   tel  :  (+44) 1684 294161 ext. 306 *
* Redac Systems Ltd.,          email:  andrewd at redac.co.uk        *
* Green Lane,                  Web  :  http://www.redac.co.uk     *
* Tewkesbury,                                                     *
* Gloucestershire GL20 8HE                                        *

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