Attacus atlas

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at
Sat Nov 22 23:40:08 EST 1997

> Work undertaken so far in Hong Kong indicates A.atlas is double brooded
> in Hong Kong, with adults seen in April/May and again in September. This
> may differ in other regions. A couple of references you should find
> useful would be:
Further to my previous posting I have now received a reliable record of
A.atlas flying in mid July of 1996. This would put the species into the
trivoltine category in Hong Kong (not unreasonable when the speed of
larval growth is considered).

PhD student & Demonstrator, Dept of Ecology & Biodiversity
The University of Hong Kong
fax: (852) 24885285
mailto:kendrick at   + Hong Kong Moths ;
mail: Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre
      The University of Hong Kong
      Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong,
      Yuen Long, New Territories
      Hong Kong

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