Small Tortoiseshell & Gatekeeper

Charles Nicholls CNICHOLL at
Tue Nov 25 06:59:52 EST 1997

Hello all, 

I wonder if anyone can suggest a good (detailed) text describing the 
life-history of the small tortoiseshell _Aglais urticae_ and the 
Gatekeeper _Pyronia tithonus_.

I am particularly interested in reproductive behaviour, voltinism, 
mating frequency, copulation duration and courtship behaviour.

Also any information on how different populations (different 
countries) vary with respect of the above behaviours.

Thanks in advance


Charles Nicholls

The University Of Manchester
3.239 Stopford Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PT

Tel +44 (0)161 275 3856
cnicholl at 

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