New Book -WV Butterflies and Caterpillars

Tom Allen tallen at
Wed Nov 26 13:39:40 EST 1997

"The Butterflies of West Virginia and Their Caterpillars" is now 
available.  This 388 page book contains 50 color plates depicting 128 
species of  butterflies (30plts), their catterpillars (13plts) and 
many pupae (7plts). There are chapters on butterfly gardening and 
studying butterflies, as well as a key to families and subfamilies.  
The indepth species accounts, each with a species distribution map 
within the state, contain information on range, habitats, life 
history, including discriptions of larvae and adults, nectar sources 
and host plants.  Published by Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, it is 
available through the WV Division of Natural Resources, Box 67 Ward 
Road, Elkins, WV 26241 for $20.00 soft cover (post paid) and $30.00 
hard cover (post paid). Prices are US sales and shipping.  For 
further information write or E-mail Jiseli at mail.DNR.State.WV.US

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