UTETHEISA - illustrated keys?

ernst neering Ernst.Neering at STAFF.TPE.WAU.NL
Thu Oct 2 03:42:15 EDT 1997

Maybe LEPS-L subscribers also enjoy the following, therefor I copy to the 

With reference to your request, I looked at Biological Abstracts from 1992 
and CABI from 1972 onwards. I found only one suitable one: 
Ruiz Rodriguez, V.H. 1989 (published in 1990?). Taxonomic revision of the 
Chilean Arctiidae. Gayana Zoologia 53 (4): 117-181.

As I had some time today, I scanned Zoological Records from 1921 to 1996 for 
references to Utetheisa and found following:

	Arora, G.S. 1983. On the lepidopterous fauna of Andaman and Nicobar 
group of islands (India): family Arctiidae. 
Records Zoological Survey of India, Misc. Publ. occ. Paper No 60: 1-49.
(Key to species on page 12)
	Badr, M.A. 1992. Redescription of nine lepidopterous species as known 
in Egypt. 
Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 70 (1): 169-181.
(includes U. pulchella)
	Bang-Haas, ?. 1927. Rhopalocera. 
Horae Macrolepidopt., Dresden 1, xxviii+128 pp.
(U. pulchella supspecies on page 58)
	Chakravorty, S; Mandal, P.K. 1977 (publ 1980?). Morphology of four 
caterpillar pests of cotton and sunnhemp. 
Bulletin Entomology, entomological Society of India 18 (1/2): 89-93.
(larva of U. pulchella)
	Clarke, J.F.G. 1940. A new species of Utetheisa from Newfoundland 
(Lep.: Arctiidae). 
Proc. entomol. Soc. Washington 42: 42-44.
(description U. idae)
	Eitschberger, U.; Steiniger, H. 1995. Arctiidae 1993.
Atalanta (Marktleuthen) 26 (1/2): 17-32.
(in german, annual records U. pulchella and others in West Palaearctic)
	Fang, C.-l. 1985. Economic insect fauna of China Fasc. 33. 
Lepidoptera: Arctiidae.
Zhongguo jingi kunchong zhi 33: 1-100.
(with key to species of China, in chinese)
	Forbes, W.T.M 1941. The position of Utetheisa galapagensis, 
Lepidoptera, Arctiidae. 
Journal New York entomol. Soc. 49: 101-109.
	Hayes, A.H. 1975. The larger moths of the Galapagos Islands 
(Geometroidea, Sphingoidea & Noctuoidea). 
Proceedings California Academy of Science 40 (7): 145-208.
(U. devriesi and U. perryi spp. nov.)
	Howarth, T.G. 1951. Prison camp entomology in the Far East, 1941-45.
Trans. S. London entomol. natural History Soc. 1949-1950: 94-110.
(larva U. lotrix, page 100)
	Jordan, K. 1939. On the constancy and variability of the differences 
between the Old World species of Utetheisa (Lepid.: Arctiidae).
Novitates zoologicae Tring Museum 41: 251-291.
(about Utetheisa elata, amhara, pulchelloides, aphanis, darwini, vaga, 
	Pease, R.W., Jr. 1972. Variation of Utetheisa ornatrix (Arctiidae) 
including a new species from Saint Croix, Virgin Islands.
Journal Res. Lepid. 10 (4): 261-264.
(U. ornatrix saintcroixensis subsp. nov)
	Robinson, G.S. 1971?. The genus Utetheisa Hubner in Fiji with a 
description of a new species, Lep. Arctiidae.
Entomologist's Rec. J. Var 83: 123-130.
(U. maddesoni, sp nov)
	Robinson, G.S.; Robinson, H.S. 1974. Notes on the genus Utetheisa 
Hubner (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in the western Pacific with larval 
Entomologist's Rec. J. Var 86 (5/6): 160-163.
(U. pulchelloides marshallorom Rothschild syn. nov.; U. idae Clarke, page 
	Robinson, G.S.; Robinson, H.S. 1979. Further observations on the 
species of Utetheisa Hubner (Lep.: Arctiidae) in the western and central 
Pacific with the description of a new species.
Entomologist's Rec. J. Var 91 (10): 270-273.
(key to species Pacific Ocean males)
	Robinson, G.S.; Robinson, H.S. 1980. Further observations on the 
species of Utetheisa Hubner (Lep.: Arctiidae) in the western and central 
Pacific with the description of a new species from Niue Island.
Entomologist's Rec. J. Var 92 (1): 13-16.
(U. maddesoni sp. nov.)
	Roepke, W. 1941. On the Javanese species of the genus Utetheisa Hb. 
(Lep., Het., fam Arctiidae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Amsterdam 84: 1-9.
(characters of U. lotrix and pulchella, indica sp. nov.)
	Sevastopulo, D.G. 1945. The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera Part 
Journal Bombay natural History Society 45: 188-198.
(larvae of U. pulchelloides and U. vaga)
	Sreedhara Rao, A.; Perraju, A. 1988. A brief description of Utetheisa 
thyter Butler.
Bull. Entomol. (ent. Soc. India) 29 (1): 140-142
(U. pulchella and U. thyter)
	Stetter-Stattermayer, J. 1939. Ein Beitrag zur Variabilit,t von 
Utetheisa pulchella L. 
Ent. Rundsch., Stuttgart 56: 377-380.
	Toulgoet, H. de. 19??. Description d'Arctiides nouvelles de 
Madagascar (10e note) (Lepidoptera).
Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, Paris 128: 121-140.
(proposes Viettesia gen. nov. for species ornatrix, page 130, and bella, page 
132. Not clear whether these are Utetheisa, the issue is missing in the 
library of Wageningen University)
	Viette, P. 19??. Sur deux especes de Lepidoptera Heterocera de l'Isle 
de la Reunion (Arctiidae et Noctuidae).
Bulletin Societe entomologique de France 87 (1/2): 30-33.
(in french, U. diva Mabille 1880 and U. elata subsp. fatela Jordan)
	Vojnits, A.; Uherkovich, A; Ronkay, L.; Peregovits, L. 1991. [Tiger, 
hawk and bombycid moths].
Magyarorsz Allatvilaga 166: 1-243.
(in hungarian; U. pulchella)
	Wolcott, G.N. 1948 (published 1948-1951). The insects of Puerto Rico, 
Parts 1-4 (concluded).
Journal of the Agricultural University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras 32, pp. 
1-224, 225-416, 417-748, 749-975.
(U. ornatrix ornatrix)

The search brought me many happy memories. Bang-Haas, that was around the 
time of Seitz' Grossschmetterlinge der Erde; Forbes, oh yes, Fauna of Barro 
Colorados Island and the same family name as Henri O. Forbes who followed 
Wallace's footsteps in Indonesia now 100 years ago; Alan Hayes the former 
police constable turned taxonomist; Howarth, yes work is done also during 
wars....; Jordan, the private taxonomist of Lord Rothchild, who had his 
private Tring Museum, before the collections were brought into BM(NH); 
Roepke, former professor at Wageningen, his collections are now all in Leiden 
Museum; Viette, described a number of Ctenuchids, my favorite group, Wolcott, 
the "bible" of caribbean pests.
It was fun, and costed me only three hours, because not so much work is done 
on these conspicuous moths!

Success in finding copies of these



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