Help Identify

Dr. James Adams JADAMS at
Mon Oct 6 11:44:03 EDT 1997

Dear Sherry,

    I agree that the beast on your Passiflora in Tennessee is likely 
the Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae).  This is a migrant species 
that likely will not survive the winter, but will likely return next 
summer.  There is another possibility, however.  The Variegated 
Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia) also occasionally eats Maypop, and its 
caterpillar looks similar to that of A. vanillae.  No, the spines are 
not dangerous; they're just for show.


> Three in my part of the world. Julia (Dryas julia), zebra longwing 
> (Heliconius charitonius) and A. vanillae. Gulf fritillary is what we 
> call it. It is not, in fact, a fritillary. 
> A. vanillae is definitely the one we're looking at here. 
> Anne Kilmer
> South Florida

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