Wall Browns - 3rd generation in Suffolk

Michael Healy MJRHEALY at compuserve.com
Tue Oct 7 12:41:06 EDT 1997

Walking in Suffolk recently, I was pleased to see  a Wall Brown (Lasiommata
megera) at TM464660 between Eastbridge and the sea on September 27th. 
There was another one N of Aldeburgh at TM461576 on September 29th. 
Neither day was particularly sunny.
I notice that Thomas and Lewington  refer to this species as 'common in dry
grassland'.  Both these sites, and another one near Aldeburgh that I
reported earlier this year, are actually quite wet, and I wonder whether
its decline in Hertfordshire (where it is now extremely scarce) may be due
to dry seasons.
Michael Healy

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