FWD: Caterpillars and moths GEHP
Gordon Ramel
bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Wed Oct 8 05:35:46 EDT 1997
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To: bugnet at ero.ent.iastate.edu
Subject: Caterpillars and moths GEHP
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From: pwatson at montrose.net
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This message is from Nicholas Watson <pwatson at montrose.net>, a 4 year old pre-schooler from Montrose, Colorado.
I found a caterpillar (black wiht an orange band in the middle) and want to know what to feed it and how long before it turns into a moth. I looked in a book wiht my mom and we think it is a "banded wollybear". Please send me any information on how to take care of this caterpillar.
Thank you
Nicholas Watson
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