
Stephen Poley 106631.1647 at compuserve.com
Mon Oct 6 16:29:53 EDT 1997

On Sat, 04 Oct 1997 10:34:09 GMT, arlev at clara.net (Lee and Kath)

>On Fri, 03 Oct 1997 16:48:41 +0100, Steve Preddy
><Steve.Preddy at cableinet.co.uk> wrote:
>>Does anyone know if there is a newsgroup out there for those of us
>>interested in Odonata. If not, how does one go about setting one up?
>You may have seen that this NG appears to be underused as it is - the
>FAQ and charter would certainly included discussion of these creatures
>and I think we'd all benefit by articles such as this...
>...you may have trouble with 'numbers' if you try and start a new one
>so why not post here? If the 'traffic' gets too heavy then you have a
>good basis and many people who can 'approve' the setting up of a
>specialist NG.
>So, post away...

I'll second that. You may be interested to know that the Dutch
semaphone groups report not only rare birds but also rare butterflies.
Does anyone do that on your side of the water?

I guess that genera like Coenagrion would be a good challenge for
people who find Phylloscopus and Calidris too easy  8-)

Stephen Poley
Barendrecht, Holland

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