Ctenuchids on banana

ernst neering Ernst.Neering at STAFF.TPE.WAU.NL
Thu Oct 9 00:35:54 EDT 1997

Ref. James Adams reply to Gordon Dixon about his banana moth.

Thanks for your help, James, I thought it was supposed to be a Ctenuchid, 
that is why I thought of Macrocneme. I know that four formerly called Sibine 
species are known to be banana insects in central and south America 
(Ostmark,H.E. 1974. Annual Review Entomology Vol 19, page 164). It has been 
reported that they can easily be separated in the larval stage. The adults 
however are very similar. In another publication, Sibine apicalis, Sibine 
horrida (bluenose) and Sibine sp. (black saddleback) are listed as important 
pests while Phobetron sp. and Metraga determinata are considered as minor 

Where was the change of name to Acharia published? Was it Epstein & Becker 
(1993) Combinations and new synonymies in New World Limacodidae, 
Megalopygidae, Lasiocampidae and Arctiidae. Revista Brasiliera de Zoologia 10 
(2): 289-319?

If it turns out that the moth indeed is a Sibine/Acharia, the caterpillar 
must not have just wandered into the bunch, it was there on its hostplant.



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