where to complain about spam:300 world first products...(fwd)
Manvinder Singh
msingh at gip.net
Thu Oct 9 10:32:17 EDT 1997
Hello Mr. Yanega,
Here is the extract from your email:
> >Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 21:06:27 -0300
> >From: Doug Yanega <dyanega at mono.icb.ufmg.br>
> >To: LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu
> >Subject: where to complain about spam: 300 world first products...
> >
> >For other annoyed recipients of the latest spam, here's who apparently
> >gives them their e-mail access - Peter.Wilmot at GLOBALONE.NET, the
> >administrator of gip.net (my example follows):
Just see the above lines which shows you are blaming Peter Wilmot, the
administartor of gip.net and now you are saying you never blamed him.
You don't even want to except the false allegations you have been
spreading. :-(
SPAM Responder
Global One
On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Doug Yanega wrote:
> >Hello Mr. Yanega,
> >
> >Please think twice before making any false allegations.
> Hi. I didn't make any.
> >This means that the mail is going thru their site and
> >has not originated from there.
> Exactly. That's what traceroute is for - to show who provides the spammer
> with their link to the rest of the net. I never EVER said that the spam
> originated at gip.net, but that gip.net was evidently acting as provider
> for the spammer at apcbooks at magna.com.au. THAT is where the spam
> originated, and I never claimed otherwise.
> >Mr. Peter Wilmot, the administrator of GIP.NET is the person whose is
> >highly against SPAM and has setup policies for anti-spam measures
> Great! Then when he reads my complaint, he should cancel the
> apcbooks at magna.com.au account resposible for the spam. That is the entire
> purpose of complaining to the ISP.
> >strongly protest that you have blamed an innocent person and that you
> >retract your statement as this has caused him anguish for his name being
> >falsely spread by you.
> >
> >Try to be more responsible in future.
> Try to read what I wrote next time. I *NEVER* blamed Mr. Wilmot for
> *anything*. He is listed as gip.net's administrative contact, so I told
> people he was the appropriate recipient for complaints. He is, for any spam
> passing through gip.net.
> >Regards,
> >M.Singh
> >SPAM Responder
> >Global One
> >
> [snip]
> >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 21:06:27 -0300
> >From: Doug Yanega <dyanega at mono.icb.ufmg.br>
> >To: LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu
> >Subject: where to complain about spam: 300 world first products...
> >
> >For other annoyed recipients of the latest spam, here's who apparently
> >gives them their e-mail access - Peter.Wilmot at GLOBALONE.NET, the
> >administrator of gip.net (my example follows):
> >
> >>Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 20:59:37 -0300
> >>To:Peter.Wilmot at GLOBALONE.NET
> >>From:dyanega at mono.icb.ufmg.br (Doug Yanega)
> >>Subject:spam: 300 world first products...
> >>
> >>These folks, apparently clients of gip.net (based on traceroute, which
> >>shows them going thru magnadata.gip.net) have evidently purchased a list
> >>of "spammable" addresses, including a mailing list that I am on, in
> >>addition to (no doubt) a few thousand other unwilling recipients. Is this
> >>sort of massive e-mail abuse against your user policies?
> This is SO straightforward I cannot believe you misinterpreted it SO badly.
> The only people who should feel any anguish over this are the folks who
> sent the spam - who, I hope, lose their account. There are no retractions
> or apologies due, since I never said anything bad about anyone at gip.net
> or globalone.net.
> Sincerely,
> Doug Yanega Depto. de Biologia Geral, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas,
> Univ. Fed. de Minas Gerais, Cx.P. 486, 30.161-970 Belo Horizonte, MG BRAZIL
> phone: 031-448-1223, fax: 031-441-5481 (from U.S., prefix 011-55)
> http://www.icb.ufmg.br/~dyanega/
> "There are some enterprises in which a careful disorderliness
> is the true method" - Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Chap. 82
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