Wall Browns - 3rd generation in Suffolk

Chris Raper triocomp at dial.pipex.com
Sat Oct 11 07:19:28 EDT 1997

On Fri, 10 Oct 1997 14:36:28 -0400, Anne Kilmer <viceroy at GATE.NET>

>> Is this a UK-wide thing? Are Wall Browns on the decline or had they
>> gone through a period of expansion (in the last 30 or so years) which
>> collapsed leaving the remaining ones are in ther more normal haunts?

>Lots of them in my garden, as far as I could tell. Field book seemed to
>say so, at least.
>West of Ireland, County Mayo. Fairly rural. Plenty of grass and old
>walls for its enjoyment.

HI Anne,

Good to hear you still have them in Ireland. I have found scattered
colonies iin the UK but they always seem to be in southern coastal
counties. In Oxfordshire (ie. right in the middle of the UK) they used
to be very common on the Ridgeway downs, flying along the hedges and
chalky banks. AFAIK they disappeared about 10-15 years ago. :-(

I have discussed this with other local naturalists who had noticed
exactly the same phenomenon. We can't work out a logical reason why
they disappeared - possibly increased pressure from agriculture (the
downs are heavily farmed)?

Any ideas anyone?

Chris R.

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